Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, October 27, 2007


This is what Sunday is all about!

Another Random Update

It's been a while since I've posted anything.. thought I'd post a quick update. Livi has 10 teeth now... 2 molars, which is probably why she was on such a major sleep strike recently. She's still not sleeping great, but it's a bit better. She's repeating more and more new words everyday - we have to be VERY careful about what we say! She still loves to read books, which is great. She'll sit and look at books for 20 minutes or so by herself sometimes! Um, what else? Oh, I'm pretty sure she's gotten taller - she seems to have go-go gadget arms (some of you will get the reference!). I'll post a picture or two later.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

I think our Bumbo is broken

Previously I commented on how the effectively sit in a Bumbo as our daughter, Olivia demonstrated. I just came across an even more ingenious use of the Bumbo. Go to http://www.ready-set-bumbo.com/ and watch the 3 videos. Absolutely hilarious. Gotta run, Livi is waking up from nap.

Sunday, October 7, 2007


The GNU Image Manipulation Program is a great Open Source photo editing application. We use it for our photos, mostly for file resizing, but tonight Jen asked about how to make the photo black and white to give it that artsy feel. I didn't have a lot of experience using this application so some of the lexicon within the program wasn't immediately intuitive to me. Looking for a quick answer, I found the tutorials page hosted on the site and found a tutorial for "Selective Colorization", which makes the photo look like something you'd see on a Hallmark card. I applied the technique to one of my favorite photos from Olivia's Birthday party and I think it came out great.

This came from our digital camera and although the effect is great it definitely makes me want a dSLR. Someday....

Expect a few more pics like this as I play with other tutorials.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Hmm, haven't been here in a while

Things have been pretty busy the past few weeks. The weekend of the 15th of September we enjoyed a Family Fun Day with my company at Canobie Lake Park, Salem, NH. Olivia is still a bit small to enjoy the rides, but she loved the music stage. She spent quite a bit of time just dancing and having a grand old time in front of a crowd of hundreds of people. Some proof is included:

Two weeks ago I had to go off to Texas for business for a week and that completely upended Olivia's routine as well as Jen's. Things have somewhat settled back into, umm...., normal. Although, sleep has continued to be an issue for us. We purchased a book called "The no-cry sleep solution for toddlers and infants." Wish us luck.

Olivia continues to grow and amaze us. She's starting to form more words from what she hears and anything that has some sort of emotional response she retains and reuses. An excellent example of this comes from her learning how to say "Kenny" who she is definitely enamored with. Kenny (actually, the entire Twomey family) is also really good with her too.

Mimi has also been MUCH, MUCH more tolerant of Olivia and even lets Olivia give her hugs from time to time. Yeah sure there's a lot of meowing and whining, but she doesn't swipe at Olivia which is very important.

The lack of sleep is a tough pill to swallow, but everything else about our precious, little peanut is perfect. We are blessed to have her.