Our Family

Our Family

Friday, May 23, 2008

Yeah so the whole reason there's a flood of video

is because of this clip, which I forgot to add last night. Whoops.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

As if she wasn't talented enough

She also cooks.

For Kelly

We couldn't get Olivia to count on camera, but she managed to perform another trick that Mumma didn't realize she was capable of.

The best toys are always the simplest

Monday, May 12, 2008

When did she become a toddler??

Here is Livi having fun in the back yard with the great stuff Grandma bought her. Seriously, when did she get so big? I must have blinked!

Pickle face

She loves them... despite the look on her face! She asks for them at least a few times a week.