Our Family

Our Family

Saturday, March 6, 2010

(2 of 2) loved me. I was reciprocating her sentiment when she said "Dada, smell my tookis." my daughter makes me so proud. ;-)
(1 of 2) Yeah so Liv & I just had one of those incredible father/daughter moments. She was being so adorable, snuggled up in my arms telling me how much she

Friday, March 5, 2010

Oh and blogging via SMS is kinda crappy. Guess i'll have to do it the "old fashioned way." lol
(3 of 3) means no ponytails.
(2 of 3) so I didn't have to wash it everynight was to put it in a ponytail. She then looked me dead in the eye a burst into hysterical laughter. Guess that
(1 of 3) Olivia was less than thrilled about getting washed up tonight (partialy because she was overtired). I explained that an easy way to keep her hair clean

Thursday, March 4, 2010

(2 of 2) shaking her head and said, "What a day." When did she learn about exasperation?
(1 of 2) Olivia's musings: After I dropped some cereal on the floor, Liv let out a huge sigh and asked, "What happened now?" When I told her she walked away